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Arranging interaction layers
Ivo van Halen avatar
Written by Ivo van Halen
Updated over a year ago

You can move interactions forward or backward.

Fast and easy

Right click on the interaction in the timeline and adjust the layer position. Place the interaction on top (to the front), bottom (to the back), or one up or down.


Do you want to be able to adjust all the layers because you want to put all the images lower than the buttons? Or do you want to check if all your interactions have the right levels? Don't click each interaction separately: Go to layer management!

Step 1. Click on this button; above the timeline, on the right.

Step 2. Find the layer values on the right. By default, interactions have a value of 50.

Step 3. Give a higher value to the interaction that needs to be in the front or a lower value if an interaction should be in the back. You can simply drag and drop to arrange the order or fill in a value manually.

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