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Sharing on social media
Marin Groothengel avatar
Written by Marin Groothengel
Updated over a week ago

Sharing your interactive video post on social media is fairly easy.

Step 1. Publish your interactive video

Step 2. Below, you will see a checkbox to show social media sharing buttons. Enable this option and press save.

Step 3. Go to the preview mode of your video.

Step 4. Sharing options for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will appear underneath your interactive video. Clicking one of these buttons will result in automatically creating a link to your video within a post on the respective platform.

It is also possible to manually copy and paste the URL of your interactive video into your social media post.

How your viewers will see it
After sharing an interactive video on social media, it will appear on people's timelines as shown in the image below. The link is clicked and opens the interactive video which the viewer can play right away, on any device.

Example LinkedIn post

Boost your viewer count

Do you want to ensure that your interactive video is optimized for reaching your audience through social media? Read these 7 tips to improve social media engagement with interactive video to make the most out of your post.

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