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Who is allowed to watch your video?

Ivo van Halen avatar
Written by Ivo van Halen
Updated over 4 months ago

There are a lot of ways to publish and share your interactive video. In this article, we'll walk through all the options so you can make a choice that suits your situation.

Who is allowed to watch your video?



Only me

Is your video not published yet? Then only you can view the video. Well... also any fellow users who have been given access to that video folder, such as your teammates.


If you select this option, your video is available for everyone including search engines.

People with the link

Most people prefer to set their video to ‘People with the link', which means only those who have access to the URL of the video are able to watch it. Your video won't be found by search engines.

When you choose 'People I select', you can upload an Excel file containing the names and email addresses of your audience. Afterward, it's very easy to measure the results of these viewers.

Embed only

When you choose 'Embed only' it means the video can only be embedded on a website. It can not be shared in any other way.

If you'd like to combine embedding with another option, it's best to choose 'People with the link' or 'Anyone' .

This allows you to share a video via a hyperlink and also embed it. on your website.

Optionally, add specific websites to a white list to prevent others to embed your video.

Copy the embed code by clicking on the blue "show embed code" button.


Want to publish a video for eLearning? Read more about SCORM and xAPI options.

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