Answer detection on entry question interactions is now available!✨
Become an early adopter! Contact us via email or chat to be among the first to try this new feature.
How it works
The answers provided by your viewers will be automatically evaluated based on general information (independent of the video's content) and the three subtitle blocks preceding the question. The subtitle information is only included if you have added AI-generated subtitles to your video. Including AI-generated subtitles often improves the accuracy but is not required.
How to add AI detection
Step 1 (Optional): Add AI-generated subtitles to your video.
Step 2 (Optional): Check if the video language matches the language of the subtitles.
Step 3: Add an entry question to your video.
Step 4: Select the box "Let AI-assistant assess given answers"
Step 5: Come up with a good question.
Contact us now to get started!